Your “Enough”


Your “Enough”


Do you even know what Your Enough is?


Here in the US we are driven to succeed often defined by how much stuff or money we have. How big is your house, what type and how many cars, vacations, toys, etc. I propose we may need to redefine success to allow more people to reach it.

I was never one to keep up with the Joneses as I had my own written goals I was trying to meet. I modified those goals over the years and met them all. But now that I’m retired, all that stuff I worked so hard for seems less important. Could it be my goals were misdirected?

I know people who are so focused on money that every decision they make assures they make more. They unknowingly put relationships at risk by prioritizing making or saving a buck! Sure it’s good to be conscious of your spending but you need to be aware of the total cost.

I’ve seen people who live in very nice homes and have very nice things only to become disappointed and ask “What am I doing wrong that I don’t have that?” when they see a bigger home or fancier car, boat, etc. They clearly don’t know their enough!


What I’ve learned is that having goals is a good thing and keeps one motivated. But make sure your goals are in line what makes YOU happy. You need to find your enough early in your planning or you will find yourself forever looking for more.

I’m finding that time with family and friends, new experiences and meeting new people is way more enjoyable than buying another sports car, boat, motorcycle, etc. I just want to get back to the next adventure. Don’t get me wrong I still enjoy my toys but it’s the experience with friends that makes the difference, not who has the newest and best toy. Keeping up with the Joneses is a fools game.

So how do you find Your Enough? It will be different for everyone but look back over the last year or two. List the 2,3,5… things that made you smile the most or things you can’t wait to do again. Those things are what matter most to you. Build your goals around doing those things. Look carefully at what made them special. If it was a camping trip, I bet time around the grill or campfire was more important than what kind of tent or RV you had.

Perhaps we should redefine success with happiness and things that make us smile. Having a secure lifestyle that brings you joy should be the goal.


With this concept in mind you can develop a plan to find your enough and be well on your way to achieving Financial Independence.
